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Club Distance
400m swim / 13.2km ride / 4.4 km run
Individual or Team
Super Sprint Distance
200m swim / 10km ride / 2.2 km run
Individual or Team
Unsure about doing the swim?
No problem! If on the day you don't feel like getting in the water, you will have the option to sit out the swim and race a duathlon instead.
5-6 year olds
500m ride / 200m run (duathlon)
7-9 year olds
2km ride / 600m run (duathlon)
10-13 year olds
100m swim / 3km ride / 900m run
(swim optional)
Kids ride and run on paths (not roads) and safety is our top priority. 12-13 year olds who are confident swimmers and riders can enter the adult race.
There's more than just racing!
Kids entertainment
Blow-up basketball & games
Sausage sizzle
Lucky door prizes
Still have questions?
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