Conditions of Entry to Events - COVID-19
The Illawarra Triathlon Club is committed to following COVID-19 rules and guidelines set out by NSW Health. The club aims to keep ITC members and the general public safe and free from coronavirus infection.
The following are conditions of entry for Illawarra Triathlon Club events in relation to COVID-19 rules and guidelines. Attendees at events must adhere to these mandatory control measures.
When not to attend events:
If you are unwell
If you have had close contact with a positive tested person
If you have tested positive
Regular use of hand sanitiser throughout the event
Practise social distancing at all times during the event
Keep a cough covered
Do not share equipment
Download the CovidSafe app if not already done so
Competitors only in transition area
Attendees at the event are encouraged to wear a face mask while in event registration and common transition area
COVID-19 Information Websites
NSW Health - General Information
NSW Health – Latest covid-19 case Locations and Alerts in NSW